
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Are We Disgracing The Fast In Any Way?

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

(muhammad K.h)

The purpose of fasting is that we should adopt one of the attributes of Allah which is called ‘samdiyat’. Mimicking the angels in this regard, he should refrain from all his wishes to a certain possible limit, because when the person starts to succumb to the wishes

  1. 1.      The supreme purpose of fast and the fruit of this difficult practice is that the person becomes God-fearing and chaste/pure.
  2. 2.      Shah Wali Ullah says that a human has three characteristics: barbarism, ravenousness and angel-like. A person develops the first two attributes through his food and other activities, but fasting is actually a trait to angel-like attribute.
  3. 3.      Imam Ghazali (Rehmatullah) refers to this topic in these words: The purpose of fasting is that we should adopt one of the attributes of Allah which is called ‘samdiyat’. Mimicking the angels in this regard, he should refrain from all his wishes to a certain possible limit, because when the person starts to succumb to the wishes then he falls to the level of Asfal Saafileen and becomes animal like and when he overcomes his wishes then becomes Ala- illiyeen and reaches the horizon of angels.(Ahyaul Uloom, volume 1)
  4. 4.      At another occasion Imam Ghazali (Rehmatullah) says that a person’s stomach is the centre of all the physical and spiritual illnesses. When the stomach will be overloaded with strong and heavy food items, then the homeostasis of the heart and brain, intelligence and conscience, and any function of the body will not be in balance. The single solution to all these problems is fasting. A fast is a direct attack on the stomach and fixes all parts of the human body.


In the light of Hadith:

Hadith-e-Qudsi: translation, “Bani Nu, every good deed of a person can be increased in reward from 10 times to upto 700 times but fasting does not follow this rule because that is done for Me and I only will give its reward.” (Combined alia) so any good deed whether it is Salat or Zakat, Hajj or charity, the angels will write its reward accordingly. The purer the intention is, the greater the reward written for them. But when it comes to fasting, Allah SWT will say on that day Oh angels you are made out of Noor you do not know the intensity of hunger and thirst. Hence, the true acknowledgement of fasting is beyond your scope I will give the reward of it myself. What joy it will be of this blessing that Allah’s Rehmat will be at its peak and the ones getting it will be the ones fasting! And the disloyal ones who never fasted will be watching and sighing Oh how we wish we could’ve fasted too! The following words of this Hadith are worth of our attention [Arabic Text]. Even though all good deeds are done for Allah SWT but why did He associate Fast with Himself especially. In this regard Sahab Fatah ul Baari has mentioned a few peculiar charcteristics of fasting which makes fasting superior to other forms of ibaadat (worship).

  1. 1.      Other forms of Ibaadah can have some form of Rayaa (boasting about good deeds to get praised) in them but in case of Fasting it is not possible. It’s a different thing if someone goes around announcing that they are fasting but generally it’s a private affair and different from the other ibaadah.
  2. 2.      There is no apparent worldly benefit for a person in fasting so this is solely for Allah سبحانہ تعالی
  3. 3.      In fasting there is no chance of worshipping Ghair Allah while with other forms of ibaadah have been associated with other deities than Allah.
  4. 4.      Other forms of ibaadah will be used on the Day of Judgement to compensate for the wrong that we have done to people in our lives but fast will not be used for this purpose
  5. 5.      Fasting is a form of ibaadah which is only known to Allah سبحانہ تعالی alone not even the angels are aware of it
  6. 6.      One who fasts tries to acquire the qualities of angels that is why he becomes loved by Allah سبحانہ تعالی
  7. 7.      By observing fasts one tries to link himself to the qualities of the Creator because not having any desire to eat or drink is a quality of Allah سبحانہ تعالی
  8. 8.      This pedestal is there to elevate the status of a Muslim, just like the House of Allah, Baitullah, even though all other mosques are houses of Allah too
  9. 9.      From amongst the different ibaadah, fasting is loved by Allah سبحانہ تعالی the most
  10. 10.  The Ajr (reward) of Fasting is beyond our imagination and countless


Hadith (Translation): the one who keeps fast has two good news, One is at the time of Iftaar, and the second is when he will meet Allah سبحانہ تعالی Insha’Allah and the smell from his mouth will be as good as musk in Allah’s eyes


Fasting is a shield for man. Just like a shield protects a man from the outside physically, fasting plays a role of protecting us from within and destroys all the attacks of Shaitan on us. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH said that fasting protects us like a shield as long as it remains intact and healthy. If this fast is not kept the way it should be and is torn, then it will not help protect us rather it will allow the attacks of Shaitaan upon us. He صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم was asked Ya Rasoolullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم what is the thing that tears the fast apart? He صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said: lying and backbiting tears the fast apart its parts are boken and all strength and power is dimissed. Allah Qudoos is trying to teach us Islamic ethics through fasting but those who lie while fasting are like they are throwing away the pulp and trying to benefit from the peel only. It’s like he is taking the dead body only while has thrown away the spirit of it, and the dead body should be buried otherwise the stench arising from the dead body will affect the whole environment. Hazrat Ali Hajweri Rehmatullah said: Fasting is the name of stopping the eye, ear, tongue and the whole body from all non-Shar’i acts.

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